Atypical is a series that directs its Seth Gordon. The screen writer are Ava Tramer and Robia Rashid.
The action takes place in the United States in present.
Is a Serie comedy.
The main characters are Sam, Casey ( his sister), Elsa ( his mom) and Doug ( her dad).
Sam: Is a boy with autism, is not very popular, and he find girlfriend. He is 18.
Casey: Is a girl who always protects her brother. He is 16.
Antartica: Antarctica is a continent where it is very cold .
Antartida: L’Antàrtida és un continent on fa molt fred.
I want to go to Antarctica.
Drawing: An art that you can convey what you feel.
Dibuix: Un art que pots transmetre el que sents.
I like to draw but I don't get well.
Pinguin: An animal that has wings but cannot fly.
Pingüi: Un animal que te ales però no pot volar.
Penguins are curious animals.
Earphones: Object used to listen to music or cancel the sound.
Auriculars: Objecte que serveix per escoltar la música o cancelar el so.
Headphones are resistens.
Good, but there are some spelling mistakes.